Monday, June 10, 2013

Am I ready for this?

How does one start a Blog?
How do you get a message across?
How do I tell their stories?
How will I be able to help them?

...there comes a time when one must take a position, that it is neither safe, nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him that it is right..." ~ Martin Luther King

I am fortunate to travel a fair bit and I when I do, I always follow my heart and make a point to meet the people, understand the culture as best I can within a given time period.

There are so many beautiful places in the world; and I found one such place on the small Island of Curacao. The beautiful turquoise beaches, the sand & coral, the people of the island, the artists... and the list goes on.

As you step off the plane and feel the heat, waiting in anticipation to get through customs, smiling at other passengers and visitors, exchanging light hearted banter. We prepare ourselves for the weeks ahead. The Sun is shining as we head out the doors of the airport and hop into our cab to the resort.

As beautiful as all this is, there is a dark side, and once all the fervor and sights have filled your senses, a gnawing feeling befalls you, and  you will see for yourself... the "dogs." 

The first time, I did not notice "them," well not so much as I do now. They are everywhere, on the roads, in the city, on the resorts, in the ditch, left on their own to fend for themselves.

I come to find out the HATO airport is one of the major dumping grounds for these poor animals.
Starving, hauntingly thin,  mange, crippled, I came to find out many other things as well, that I wish I did not know.

"To say nothing, to do nothing, stops nothing" ~Roni McCall

 I have forged many friendships on the island and I understand somewhat the situation with the dogs, there are so many, that the idea to "fix it" seems  so insurmountable that as much as they want to help, they can not see the light at the end of the tunnel, so this tragedy goes on and on.

I have read some "stats" saying that estimates of more than 70,000 strays (cats & dogs) across the island.
It is mind boggling.

There is hope,  I have found a grass roots volunteer group that does wonders. "CARF" I am amaze at the before and afters of this volunteer rescue. These dogs seem to understand that they now have a life, and the gentleness they bestow is incredible.

So I come to the main subject matter: HOW DO I HELP?

I am creating this Blog and in the coming weeks, I am going to start fundraising for this amazing Rescue in Curacao, I am going to tell their stories. YES! There are some amazing ones. You will feel good to know they are not all lost.

I am returning  to Curacao in July to spend a couple of weeks with the rescues and learn all I can and how it would be possible to set up an education campaign, how we can implement more Spay Neuter. How can we save them and most of all How can we save "us."

I will be "Out in the Open", with the dogs, I will write my 2 week Open Diary while I am there, and I hope, I truly hope, I can make a difference.

"Kindness to animals and respect for all life are the only meaningful foundation for a civilized world." ~ Michael Mountain

It will be an interesting Journey, I must admit, I am very sensitive to others pain and sufferening, so it will be a huge challenge for me. My Dutch is rudimentary, Papiemento, not even close. But it will be a baptism by fire. Ticket in hand....


  1. Well done Kels! Looking forward to following your Journey!

  2. Thanks Elisa, I have now added a "Subscribe button" and/or a follow by e-mail at the top of this blog, if you are interested in following the "Dog Tails" :)

  3. My mother had a fondness for such; she liked to say them, and see other dogs look surprised and envious, as wondering how she got so much education. click here button
